Dancing with the Stars has jumped the Shark...

Dancing with the stars is one of those guilty pleasures that a heterosexual dude can maybe get away with when the finalists are Jennifer Grey & Brandy. But you add some young black dude who dances like an umpa lumpa & is only there due to the Disney vote, and Brystol  Palin, who I totally think would have been in my league some 20 years, but today is getting by on mommy’s  "good name", and a guy risks having to trade in his “man card” in order to watch the finale. So now I am torn, should I watch with my full support in the corner of my  high school crush “Baby” and, or just listen for the highlights on “E!” and keep my manhood in tact? Each week I have followed as one dancer after the next goes home due to popularity votes versus dancing skill. Hoping that the show will regain it’s credibility with each elimination with the elimination of Brystol. But  it is obvious with the dismissal of Brandy that being able to dance is secondary to the "controversy factor" that you bring to the show.As a guy, there has only been one dance where Bristol's ass cheek was exposed by a brush of the hand by her partner that would justify me voting to keep her for another week. Yea, guilty as charged, my penis has the final say on who I would vote for. So needless to say, Kurt Warner & “The Hoff” were doomed before they started their first routine. Brandy, all though too skinny for my taste, along with Jennifer Grey, & Audrina would be my choice for the final 3. Dancing skills aside, they all rock those hot ass outfits better than anyone else who started the season…. But alas, we have a hodgepodge of dancers left for us to vote for in the finale. Bristol will probably win due to the Tea Party effect, but we all know of these three people only Jennifer Grey should even be considered for the recipient of the famed mirrored ball. Tune in next Monday & Tuesday to see how it all plays out. In order to keep my manhood in tact, I shall spend those days “on the computer” researching Manly topics like piston boring while my wife watches in the living room. It’s not my fault if I accidently see what is going on on the screen as I sit quietly at my desk & type away at important stuff…. But if I were to watch, my support would fully be in J-Grey’s corner….

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